Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The most common questions that the public ask are “why are you straightening your teeth? I thought that they looked pretty good,” and “how are you doing this?” Most people are visualizing an intense orthodontist cranking on his own teeth in front of a mirror (which in fact, is wrong). The how and the why of his treatment give tremendous insight into the wonderful advances in the speciality of orthdonitcs in the past 5 years. These questions can be answered quite simply.
Dr. Snyder takes pride in his method of braces placement for all patients, including himself. Once the staff makes accurate models of the teeth, Dr. Snyder places the braces directly on the model. Although this takes more lab time, this method permits Dr. Snyder time and access to place the braces as accurately as possible on each individual tooth. Once on the model, several laboratory steps occur for a rubber tray captures these exact positions. All of the braces are then transferred to the patient at one time. This process is extremely accurate and easy on the patient. Although advocated by some of the finest orthodontists in the world, this method is only done by a select few, likely due to the precision required by the team and the labartory expense. Nevertheless, this method has permitted Dr. Snyder to place braces in perfect positions on himself. The teeth are moved by a precisely-made wire off a computer model and he is off and running. This is technology at its finest!
The answer is simple: because he can! With the new technological advancement used in Dr. Snyder's office, the time that may seem like forever in braces is cut down. The new system called Suresmile, used in Dr. Snyder's office, is far more accurate and effieceint than anything Dr. Snyder has seen in his field in the past 19 years. He has finished over 125 patients and has seen his treatment times in braces drop by an astounding 37.5%. What was a 24 month treatment time has become, on average, 15 months. As he continues to refine this technique, he expects to see treatment times in braces drop below the 12 month mark.
Note the shortness of his upper front teeth due to wear. He has a strong lower jaw in a forward position that carries his lower teeth forward. The teeth are more prone to wear in a more forward position. Next his lateral insicors are small with asymmetric spacing. Finally his midlines are way off due to some asymmetries in the back bite. All in all, his bite is off and he has small front teeth which doesn’t fit well with a strong (big) lower jaw.
He only went into braces because he can finally treat himself …today’s technology has made such vast improvements that Dr. Snyder is able to have his teeth scanned to generate a 3-D computer model of his teeth. He then moves the teeth virtually to their final positions and has a robot bend an orthdodontic wire that has properties of shape memory and fabulous elasiticy. These wires are inserted by his staff and away we go!!!